I am an ecologist thinking about our rapidly changing climate and seeking solutions by harnessing the power of plants, machines, and stories. I work at the intersection of science and policy, constructing the bridge between science and public understanding of climate change. I am the director of Colorado State University’s Soil Carbon Solutions Center and joint faculty in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences.
B.S. Ecology
University of Georgia
PhD. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Colorado

I am the co-founder of 500 Women Scientists, a global grassroots organizing with the mission to make science open, inclusive, and accessible and to fight racism, patriarchy, and oppressive societal norms.
TED Talk
Why Health Soil Matters Now More Than Ever
I believe in bringing the beautiful stories behind science/scientists to the world! Effective science communication achieves the goal of knowledge transfer. But great science communication captures the imagination and inspires. In 2015, I co-founded Hey Girl Productions, a production company with the mission to bring a scientific eye to creative media projects. Hey Girl co-produced several films, including the award-winning The End of Snow. We are currently producing Will Run For Soil, a film directed by Mo Heim, principle at Neon Raven Story Labs.
Essay “Solutions Underfoot” - harnessing the power of soil as a climate solution
“Mapping a more socially just Earth Day,” Charlotte Levy, Susan J. Cheng, Rose Bear Don’t Walk, and Jane Zelikova. Bitch Media, June 2020
“A new kind of climate leadership” Jane Zelikova and Giana Amador. Scientific American September 23, 2019.
“Scientist must speak up for the Green New Deal” The 500 Women Scientists Leadership, Jewel Lipps, Jane Zelikova, Gretchen Goldman, Julia Bradley-Cook, Susan J. Cheng, Charise Johnson. Scientific American February 25, 2019
More stories in Scientific American can be found here.
Mothers of Invention Season 3, episode 5 - Microbial Magic
A Matter of Degrees season 1, episode 6 - Cleaning up the carbon mess